#f genitals /genitalia Itching in the {vagina} or painful sex may be symptoms of infection (vaginal itching is common after {menopause} & results from low {estrogen} levels). However, some result from reactions to chemicals in deodorants, creams & spermicides. Soft swellings often follow overstretching during childbirth, but other swellings or sores may indicate serious underlying problem. Seek medical advice. Cleaning the {genital} area should be part of daily washing. The skin is delicate & needs to be treated gently to prevent inflammation or irritation. Use only plain water (bath salt, soap, may cause irritation). It should only be necessary to wash external skin of {vulva}; the internal lining is kept clean & moist by natural secretions (thin white discharge), which also protects against infection. Vaginal douches & deodorants may cause irritation as they upset the chemical balance inside the {vagina}. Here are a few tips to prevent infection: $1 keep genital area clean empty bladder completely when urinating, wipe away any residue always wipe {anus} towards back (keeps germs from bladder opening) reduce urine acidity (dilute fruit juice with water) drink plenty of fluids, avoid very sweet drinks always empty bladder after sexual intercourse if using a {diaphragm}, get your doctor to check it fits correctly avoid wearing nylon tights or pants; cotton is best, since it absorbs sweat & allows air to circulate $1